Full of power and potential: temporary employment in Eastern Europe is increasingly proving to be a springboard to success for companies in Germany. With the help of personnel placement and temporary work in countries like Poland, Czech Republic and Hungary German companies find qualified specialists and unskilled workers for industry, production and logistics. Personnel leasing in Eastern Europe enables companies to react flexibly to personnel needs and at the same time benefit from the experience and efficiency of temporary workers. Discover the full potential of temporary employment in Eastern Europe and put your company on the fast track!

1. The advantages of temporary employment in Eastern Europe

Temporary employment in Eastern Europe offers a number of advantages for companies. Eastern Europe is known for its well-trained specialists and competitive industry. Temporary employment enables companies to find qualified employees without having to go through long and cost-intensive search processes. Cooperation with Eastern European temporary workers opens up new opportunities, particularly in the areas of production, logistics and recruitment.

Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary are popular locations for companies to find suitable staff and ensure efficient work processes. Temporary employment also enables companies to react flexibly to peak orders or seasonal fluctuations. In addition, they benefit from the inexpensive labor force from Eastern Europe.

2. Use potential: Why the ANÜ is a good option in Eastern Europe?

Temporary work in Eastern Europe offers companies a promising option to fully exploit their potential. In today's globalized economy, it is critical for companies to find skilled and unskilled workers to remain competitive. Temporary employment enables German companies to access the talented pool of Eastern European workers and thus make their production and logistics processes more efficient.

Countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary in particular offer highly motivated temporary workers with in-depth specialist knowledge in various areas such as production and logistics. By working with these Eastern European workers, German companies can benefit from their expertise while saving costs.

The flexibility of temporary employment in Eastern Europe also enables companies to react quickly to changes in the market. For example, if orders are seasonal or the volume of work fluctuates, you can easily deploy additional staff from Eastern Europe and thus avoid bottlenecks.

3. Cost savings thanks to the workforce from Eastern Europe

One of the outstanding advantages of international temporary employment is the significant cost savings that companies can achieve the use of workers from this region. In Germany and other Western European countries in particular, personnel costs are often very high, which represents a major challenge, especially for companies in the manufacturing industry and logistics. However, by working with Eastern European temporary workers, these costs can be significantly reduced.

Eastern Europe offers a variety of highly motivated skilled workers who can be hired at a fraction of the cost compared to German workers. Countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary in particular have a large talent pool of qualified workers who are ready to contribute their skills and competencies to German companies. This expertise can help make production processes more efficient and optimize logistical processes.

By using temporary workers from Eastern Europe, companies can also react more flexibly to order fluctuations. For example, if additional workers are suddenly needed to meet high demand or complete a project on time, it is much easier and more cost-effective to hire temporary employees from abroad than to recruit new permanent employees.

Overall, the use of workers from Eastern Europe as part of temporary employment offers an attractive opportunity for companies to reduce costs and at the same time find qualified personnel for their projects. However, it is important to observe the legal framework for temporary employment in Eastern Europe and to carry out appropriate quality controls and selection processes in order to minimize possible risks. In the long term, close collaboration with employees from Eastern Europe can expand the talent pool and thus offer further opportunities for entrepreneurial success.

4. Legal framework for temporary employment in Eastern Europe

Temporary employment in Eastern Europe is an attractive option for companies that want to fully exploit their potential. But in addition to the numerous advantages, there are also legal framework conditions to consider. In countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary, specific laws and regulations apply to temporary employment. These concern, among other things, topics such as working hours, wage and social security regulations and notice periods. In order to minimize possible risks, it is important to find out about the applicable regulations in advance and to comply with them carefully.

The legal framework for temporary employment in Eastern Europe can have some special features, especially for companies from Germany. It is advisable to call in an experienced local partner or seek expert advice to avoid potential stumbling blocks. Working closely with a professional personnel service provider can help to correctly implement all legal requirements. We at Zeitarbeit International will be happy to advise you on all questions relating to legally secure temporary employment in Eastern Europe. Find out more about us >>>

In addition, the selection of suitable temporary workers from Eastern Europe should also be done carefully. In addition to technical qualifications, linguistic competence and cultural differences should also be taken into account. A thorough selection process and regular quality controls are therefore very important.

Overall, temporary employment in Eastern Europe offers a wide range of opportunities for companies in various sectors such as industry, logistics and production. By utilizing Eastern European skilled workers, companies can increase efficiency, save costs and expand their talent pool. With in-depth knowledge of the legal framework and a careful selection of temporary workers from Eastern Europe, nothing stands in the way of successful use of temporary employment.

5. Minimize risks: Quality control and selection procedures when hiring out workers from Eastern Europe

When hiring out workers from Eastern Europe, it is important to minimize risks and ensure the quality of the selection process. Skilled workers from Eastern Europe are particularly in demand in industry, logistics and production to help companies in Germany achieve their goals. By using temporary work and temporary work, companies can react flexibly to personnel needs save costs at the same time. But in order for cooperation with Eastern European temporary workers to be successful, careful quality control and an effective selection process are essential.

In order to find qualified employees from Eastern Europe, companies should rely on experienced personnel agencies that specialize in hiring out Eastern European skilled workers. They often have many years of experience in the field of personnel leasing and can provide suitable candidates for different industries. Through intensive discussions and detailed requirement profiles, they ensure that the temporary workers provided have the necessary knowledge and skills.

Temporary employment in Eastern Europe
workers from Eastern Europe

Another important measure to minimize risk when hiring out employees is regular quality control during the deployment of Eastern European employees. Both technical competencies and soft skills such as reliability and ability to work in a team should be checked. Optimization can be worked on through feedback discussions with on-site superiors.

In summary, it can be said that the temporary employment of Eastern European employees offers great potential to support companies in Germany in their development and success. Through careful selection procedures and continuous quality control, risks can be minimized and long-term cooperation with temporary workers from Eastern Europe can be established. In this way, the power of temporary work from Eastern European countries is optimally used and the full potential for entrepreneurial success is developed.

International temporary employment – ​​your reliable personnel service provider!

With over 35 years of experience in temporary employment in Eastern Europe, as the leading temporary employment agency in Germany, we have the necessary experience and competence to finding skilled workers from abroad for your company. We connect German companies with companies in Eastern Europe.

Are you looking for temporary workers from Eastern Europe? Contact us and become our partner!

Recruiters from Eastern Europe

Frequently asked Questions:

Where is temporary employment prohibited?

Where is temporary employment prohibited?

Temporary employment, also known as temporary or temporary work, is prohibited in some countries and regions. One of the countries where temporary employment is prohibited is Iceland. Icelandic law does not allow hiring out workers to other companies. Another country where temporary employment is prohibited is Norway. Only limited exceptions to this ban are permitted here. The Norwegian government has introduced strict guidelines for the temporary employment industry to ensure fair treatment of employees.
In Germany there is no general ban on temporary employment. However, it is subject to certain legal provisions and regulations to protect the rights of temporary workers.
In Austria, however, there are certain restrictions regarding temporary employment. The so-called “equal pay” principle is applied, which means that temporary workers must receive the same pay as comparable permanent employees. It is important to note that temporary employment laws and regulations may vary from country to country. It is therefore always advisable to research and observe the specific regulations of the respective country.

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When does an illegal temporary employment occur?

Illegal temporary employment occurs when a company gives employees to another company without observing the legal requirements and regulations. According to the Temporary Employment Act (AÜG), temporary employment is generally permitted, but under certain conditions. Illegal temporary employment occurs when companies do not meet these conditions. The prerequisites for legal temporary employment include, among other things, the permission to temporary employment on a commercial basis. The lending company must have appropriate permission from the employment agency. Furthermore, the transfer may only be temporary and collective agreements or company agreements must apply that regulate working conditions. Illegal temporary employment can take various forms. This includes, for example, hiring out workers without the necessary permission or circumventing legal regulations such as the maximum length of employment. The consequences for illegally hiring out workers can be serious. Both the lending and borrowing companies may face penalties. In addition, there may be consequences under labor law, such as the equating of the temporary worker with a permanent employee. It is therefore important that companies inform themselves about the legal framework and ensure that they meet all the requirements for legal temporary employment in order to avoid illegal practice.

What is the difference between temporary work and temporary employment?

Temporary work and temporary employment are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but there is actually a difference between them.
Temporary work is a form of employment in which employees temporarily work for you companies that then lend them out to other companies. The employees have a direct employment relationship with the rental company and are paid by them. However, you work under the instructions of the user company and carry out tasks and projects there for a certain period of time.
Temporary employment, on the other hand, refers to the legal framework within which the temporary work takes place. It is the legal construct that regulates the temporary employment of employees. Here, companies can temporarily loan out their own employees to other companies, while still retaining their direct employment relationship.

The main difference is that temporary employment is the actual form of employment, while temporary employment is the legal construct that regulates this form . In both cases, however, it involves employees being temporarily deployed to other companies. It is important to note that temporary employment and temporary employment can be regulated differently in many countries. Therefore, one should consider the specific laws and regulations of each country.