Fachkräfte für Stahl- & Metallbau

Wir vermitteln Fachkräfte & Produktionshelfer für Metallbau, Eisen- und Stahlindustrie, Maschinenbau, Fahrzeugbau, Formenbau, Werkzeugbau & Elektroindustrie

We from Zeitarbeit International überlassen Production workers from Eastern Europe: Poland, Tschechien, Litauen, Ungarn, Kroatien, Türkei und dem Baltikum. Unsere  Produktionsmitarbeiter verfügen über Produktionserfahrung in der Metallbauindustrie, Flexibilität, Belastbarkeit, gute Deutschkenntnisse. Sie sind bereit im 2-Schichtsystem zu arbeiten. Polnische und osteuropäische Produktionshelfer sind handwerklich geschickt und körperlich belastbar.

Our production assistants in metal construction work in Areas that include, for example, the iron and steel industry, mechanical engineering, the automotive industry and vehicle construction, mold making, toolmaking and the electrical industry.  You will perform a wide range of tasks aimed at ensuring a smooth production process. These include:

Leiharbeiter aus Osteuropa finden

Our production employees for metal construction come from various countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, Romania and Bulgaria. They have a wide range of skills and experience in various sectors such as industry, production, logistics and manufacturing. We ensure that each of our employees has the necessary qualifications and certifications to meet our customers' requirements.
We understand the challenges that companies in Germany face. The shortage of skilled labor can lead to projects being delayed or companies not being able to complete their orders on time. At the same time, high labor costs can make it difficult for companies to remain competitive.
That's why we offer our clients a flexible solution. By hiring temporary workers from abroad, companies can reduce their recruitment costs while ensuring that they have access to a qualified workforce. Our temporary workers from Poland and Eastern Europe work for our clients for a predetermined period of time and can be extended or terminated as required.
We attach great importance to transparency and fairness. We also ensure that our temporary workers from Eastern Europe are paid fairly and that they have all the necessary information about their employment contract and their rights. We work closely with our clients to ensure that their requirements are met and that the collaboration runs smoothly.

Unser Ziel ist es, eine langfristige Beziehung zu unseren Kunden aufzubauen. Wir möchten ein vertrauenswürdiger Partner sein, der Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, ihre Personalbedürfnisse zu erfüllen und gleichzeitig Kosten zu sparen. Wenn Sie Interesse an unseren Dienstleistungen haben oder weitere Fragen haben, zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Wir freuen uns darauf, von Ihnen zu hören!

Nur in 3 Schritten Arbeiter finden

  1. Request production personnel by phone or via request form

  2. We create a non-binding offer

  3. We research suitable candidates, take care of contracts & approvals 

  4. Legally compliant temporary employment

produktionshelfer Metalindustrie
Zeitarbeit Produktion & Industrie

Are you looking for production staff?

Request a non-binding offer!

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