Polish workers, unskilled workers & production assistants

Save time and money with staff from Poland and Eastern Europe!

Polish workers are an excellent choice for companies that need temporary workers. Temporary workers and unskilled workers from Poland are known for their reliability and hard work. You have extensive experience in various industries such as construction, production, food Industry, automotive industry, textile industry or the craft industry.
By using Polish temporary workers, companies can reduce their personnel costs and at the same time react flexibly to peak orders. In addition, the workers from Poland and Eastern Europe are deployed directly on site and are therefore available quickly Available.
Our temporary employment agency has many years of experience in the field of temporary employment and recruitment of craftsmen and unskilled workers from Poland. We support our customers in Germany and across Europe with all questions relating to international employee leasing, work contracts, personnel placement, personnel leasing in Eastern Europe - from the search for suitable employees to the completion of all formalities.

We place skilled and unskilled workers from Poland and EU countries

Experienced professionals

Unskilled workers & factory workers

Warehouse & Logistics

Contact us now and find temporary workers from Poland!

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Find Polish workers in just 4 steps

  1. Inquire about workers from Poland - by phone: +49 24038092219 or via request form

  2. We create a non-binding offer

  3. We research suitable workers from Poland and take care of contracts and permits 

  4. Legally compliant temporary employment, accommodation and transportation to the place of work

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Personnel from Poland - inexpensive and available at short notice

Our personnel from Poland for industry, construction, production and manufacturing are inexpensive and available at short notice. They can be used flexibly and adapt to the requirements of the company. Regardless of whether it is about short-term assignments or long-term projects, our Polish assistants and craftsmen, welders, locksmiths, electricians, production assistants, production employees, packers, sorters and warehouse workers from Poland are available to you promptly.
By working with our leading temporary employment agency save time and money when searching for suitable employees. Because we take on all administrative tasks such as contract conclusions, payroll accounting as well as social security and tax matters.
Our Polish temporary workers and unskilled workers have a good knowledge of German - so nothing stands in the way of smooth communication. Find out more about us >>>

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Looking for temporary workers from Poland?

Request a non-binding offer!

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Temporary employment in Poland

Temporary work, temporary employment or temporary work describes one Relationship between the employer (hirer), the employee (temporary worker) and the company where an employee works (temporary employment agency). For this purpose, a contract is concluded between the employee and a temporary employment agency or a personnel service provider.

Temporary workers from Poland and other European and Eastern European countries represent an effective means of meeting the need for unskilled workers in industry, crafts, production and manufacturing. Due to a shortage of skilled workers in Germany, many German companies rely on workers from PolandBalticum and Eastern Europe. Companies can save money with Polish temporary employment agencies. That's why you used temporary work from Eastern Europe, there are still staff available here .

Bei der Zusammenarbeit mit Leiharbeitern aus Polen gibt es einiges zu beachten:

  • Erstens braucht die polnische Zeitarbeitsfirma eine deutsche Erlaubnis zur Arbeitnehmerüberlassung. Diese ist zwingend vor der Entsendung der polnischen Arbeitskräfte zu prüfen. Denn sie muss aktuell und gültig sein.
  • Zweitens muss der deutsche Mindestlohn für alle polnischen Produktionshelfer oder Hilfsarbeiter aus Polen bezahlt werden zuzüglich der gesetzlichen Zuschläge.
  • Drittens müssen Mitarbeiter aus Polen beim Entleiher kranken und sozialversichert sein und ein gültiges und aktuelles A1 Formular nachweisen.
  • Auch bei der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung aus Polen müssen die Mitarbeiter beim Zoll angemeldet werden.

Wir von Zeitarbeit International, kennen uns bestens allen Gesetzen und Vorrausetzungen der Arbeitnehmerüberlassung aus Polen. Wir unterstützen Sie rechtlich und fachlich mit unserer Erfahrung und Kompetenz.

Zeitarbeit International ihr starker Partner!