Zeitarbeit Produktion

Flexibility and efficiency through employee leasing

Production workers in the food industry
Production assistant bakery
Temporary work in Eastern Europe
Temporary work in Eastern Europe

In production, order fluctuations can occur quickly, requiring flexible personnel deployment planning. Working with us as a temporary employment agency in the production sector is a good way of being able to respond to staff shortages at short notice.
But it is not only in acute situations that cooperation with us makes sense: temporary workers can also be deployed for projects or new business areas without having to burden your own permanent staff. We provide hard-working production assistants, production workers, packers, sorters etc. from Eastern Europe for Textile industry, Automotive industry, Food industry etc. 

Our production employees and unskilled workers from Poland and Eastern Europe often have experience from various Industry sectors and companies - which also benefits you as a customer. In addition, temporary employment also relieves you as the customer of administrative tasks such as payroll accounting or sickness notifications. This saves time and costs and frees up time for other important company tasks. 

As an experienced partner in the field of temporary employment, we offer you customized solutions - please contact us!

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temporary work Advantages

Whether you are looking for production workers for bakeries or the automotive industry? Employing temporary workers from Poland and Eastern Europe offers your company a number of advantages:

  • Staff shortages can be bridged quickly and flexibly
  • Flexibility in the event of seasonal fluctuations or project peaks
  • Administrative tasks such as payroll accounting or sickness notifications are no longer necessary
  • Temporary work saves time and costs for the company and frees up time for other important company tasks.
  • Temporary workers from Poland and Eastern Europe have specialist knowledge and are willing to work in Germany, even at short notice.

If you would also like to benefit from working with us - either as a client company or as a potential employee - please contact us! We from Zeitarbeit International find suitable solutions for your individual requirements together.

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