Temporary work in Eastern Europe

Find production temporary workers from abroad

Do you want to achieve more efficiency in production and always have the right production staff? This is possible with Zeitarbeit International. As one of the leading temporary employment agencies in Europe, we employ temporary workers from Eastern Europe, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Baltic States and lend Employees from abroad to companies with staff shortages. We are convinced that you as a company can benefit from temporary employment!

As an international temporary employment agency, we focus on the temporary employment sector. Thanks to our expertise and experience in industrial manufacturing as well as our large network in Eastern Europe, we are able to reliably mediate between companies and temporary workers. Temporary work from Eastern Europe in production and industry is particularly important for the world of work, since industry - despite all the mechanical and digital support – capable and flexible employees are needed to be successful. Thanks to our expertise and experience in production, manufacturing and assembly, we are able to provide qualified personnel to industrial companies in Eastern Europe cost-efficiently and reliably.

Find temporary workers for industry and production

Especially in industry and production is the temporary work and temporary employment from abroad has become indispensable. In industrial manufacturing, delaying or even stopping production is associated with high costs. Avoiding this is an important argument for temporary employment in production and assembly. Through expert and flexible staff from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Baltic States or the Ukraine we help your company to be competitive to stay. From assembly in the factory hall or on site at the end customer, to serial production on the assembly line: we manage to find suitable temporary workers in a timely manner. We place temporary workers from Eastern Europe for industry and production:

Advantages of temporary employment in production & industry

Advantages for temporary workers from Poland & Eastern Europe

Temporary workers at Zeitarbeit International are employed by different companies and can therefore get to know different companies and their working methods. Due to their good performance, they also have the opportunity to be taken on as permanent employees, in which we are happy to support the company. You also have the chance to enhance your CV through challenging assignments and acquired skills. This means they gain experience with every assignment and complete exciting tasks in production, industrial manufacturing or Assembly.

Temporary work in Eastern Europe in production and industrial manufacturing has become a model of success in the manufacturing sector. We, at Zeitarbeit International, take over the entire process of Employee leasing Eastern Europe. From the selection of applicants, job interviews and their employment, including tax and social security. As a company, you hire the right production worker from Polandn, Czech Republic, Romania etc. and thus bridge peak orders, absences due to illness or vacation. You also have the option of testing workers risk-free and taking on good employees on a permanent basis.

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There are many reasons for using temporary workers in production and manufacturing. On the one hand, companies can react more flexibly to fluctuations in orders and quickly adapt their production without having to make long-term commitments. In addition, there are no costs for the company, such as social security contributions or vacation and sick days, as these are covered by the temporary employment agency. In addition, certain activities may only be required temporarily or special expertise may be needed that is not available in the company's own workforce. In these cases, a short-term collaboration with a temporary employment agency often makes more sense than hiring a new employee on a permanent basis.

There are a few things to consider for companies that want to find temporary workers for industry or production. First of all, it is important to choose a reputable and trustworthy temporary employment agency - ideally through recommendations or research on the Internet. Furthermore, all legal framework conditions should be adhered to: For example, minimum wage and working time regulations must be taken into account. Care should also be taken to ensure that employees are appropriately trained and have the appropriate qualifications for their work. Another important point concerns the relationship between the company's permanent employees and the temporary workers: It is important to ensure that no competitive situation arises or tensions arise. Open communication and clear agreements can help here.

Many companies use this opportunity to quickly and cost-effectively find qualified temporary workers from Eastern Europe. However, there are also risks: It can happen that employees from Eastern Europe are exploited due to insufficient language skills or a lack of knowledge about their rights in the German labor market. It also happens that they have to work under precarious conditions - without adequate pay or social security. It is therefore the responsibility of every company to ensure that all employees are treated fairly - regardless of where they come from. Transparent communication and clear compliance with all legal framework conditions are essential.

The use of temporary workers from Eastern Europe presents opportunities but also challenges for companies in production and industrial manufacturing. It is always important to keep in mind the goal of fair treatment of everyone involved - both in terms of their pay as well as their working conditions and prospects for professional development within the company.

The terms staffing and temporary work are often used interchangeably, but there is an important difference between staffing and temporary work.

When recruiting, a company looks for a suitable candidate for an open position in their company. The placement agency takes over the search for suitable applicants and then presents potential employees to the employer for selection.

In contrast, the temporary employment agency provides workers to complete temporary or seasonal tasks. These workers are employed by the temporary employment agency and work temporarily in the client company. While both options can offer benefits – such as flexibility for the business – it is important to understand what type of support is needed.

If you want to find someone to commit to your team long-term, a recruitment agency could be your best choice. However, if you have short-term projects or need extra help during a busy time of year, a qualified temporary worker can help you.

Temporary work can be a good option for different groups of people. On the one hand, young professionals can benefit from temporary employment agencies because they can gain their first work experience quickly and easily. Even people who want to reorient themselves professionally or want to re-enter the job market after a long break can often find a connection more quickly through temporary employment agencies. For companies, temporary work also offers flexibility during peak orders or staff shortages. By providing qualified employees at short notice, companies have the opportunity to maintain production and save costs at the same time. Temporary work is also interesting for people with a specific time requirement for work: For example, if you only want to work temporarily (e.g. to earn money while studying), you will find suitable offers here - without having to make long-term commitments.

There is no general answer to this question, as the hourly wage at temporary employment agencies depends on various factors. On the one hand, the industry plays a role: In some sectors, such as crafts or the care sector, higher wages are common than in other areas. The employee's qualifications can also influence the hourly wage. Depending on what knowledge and experience an employee brings, they are paid differently. Another important factor is collective bargaining law. Many temporary employment agencies have concluded their own collective agreements, which they must base their salaries on. In general, it can be said: The average hourly wage for temporary work is between 9 and 15 euros gross per hour - but depending on the activity and region, it can also be more. So it's worth taking a closer look for potential applicants - because anyone who does a particularly good job based on their qualifications has a good chance of getting more attractive conditions!

  • If you are looking for temporary workers from Eastern Europe, there are various ways to find them:
  • One option is to work with specialized recruitment agencies or temporary employment agencies. These companies often already have a network of contacts in Eastern European countries and can find suitable employees quickly and easily. They also take on administrative tasks such as applying for work permits or organizing accommodation for your employees.
  • Another option is to become active yourself and place targeted advertisements in online job boards or newspapers in the respective country. However, language barriers should be taken into account here - translating your job advertisement into the relevant target country can be helpful here.
  • In addition, social media can also be used as a platform to find temporary workers from Eastern Europe. Through targeted targeting, potential applicants can be addressed directly - for example via Facebook ads or LinkedIn ads.

However, it is always important to ensure that when hiring temporary workers from abroad all legal requirements must be adhered to - this includes, among other things, compliance with the minimum wage and all labor law regulations. Overall, there are various ways to attract qualified workers from Eastern Europe - but depending on your individual needs, you should always carefully consider which method is most suitable.