Fachkräfte & Hilfsarbeiter aus Tschechien

We place German-speaking production assistants, packers, sorters and production employees as temporary workers from the Czech Republic

Temporary workers Production helpers & unskilled workers from the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe are with our customers in the industry, Food industry, Textile industry as well as Packaging industry very popular. Czech auxiliary production workers, packers, warehouse assistants and sorters in Germany are indispensable as temporary workers in many industries. They not only have a high work ethic and motivation, but also a high degree of flexibility and reliability.
Especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers, Czech unskilled workers are the solution for many companies to bridge bottlenecks. Because they often already have experience in the area of ​​production or logistics and can therefore be trained quickly.
The Czech Republic also does not pose a major hurdle in terms of language: most of them speak German fluently or at least have a good basic knowledge of communication in the workplace relieved. We place temporary workers and unskilled workers from the Czech Republic for production and manufacturing:

Experienced professionals

Unskilled workers & factory workers

Warehouse & Logistics

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Nur in 4 Schritten Arbeiter finden

  1. Workers inquire by phone or using the inquiry form

  2. We create a non-binding offer

  3. We search for suitable candidates, take care of contracts, approvals 

  4. Legally compliant temporary employment, accommodation and transportation to the place of work

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Finding temporary workers from the Czech Republic - requirements

In order to be able to work as a temporary worker from the Czech Republic in production and manufacturing in Germany, certain requirements must be met:

  • First of all, the unskilled workers from the Czech Republic and Eastern Europe need a work permit for Germany, which must be applied for at the responsible immigration authority.
  • Furthermore, Czech assistants should have good knowledge of German and, ideally, have already gained experience in the areas of production or logistics.
  • Flexibility and reliability are also important qualities for being successful in the German labor market.
  • In many cases, temporary workers are placed by specialized personnel service providers - here it is important to find out about the provider in advance and to ensure that all legal framework conditions are adhered to.

Are you looking for Czech temporary workers, production assistants, sorters, packers, warehouse staff or other unskilled workers from the Czech Republic and eastern Europe for food industry, industrial manufacturing, textile industry, packaging industry etc.? We at Zeitarbeit International will help you find reliable temporary workers from the Czech Republic and support you in all the steps necessary for a successful collaboration are necessary.

Our many years of experience in the field of employee leasing, personnel placement and our broad network of personnel service providers in Eastern Europe us a reliable partner. We work closely with our customers to best meet their individual requirements and to provide them with qualified employees.
We attach great importance to transparency and fairness - both towards employers and employees. Because only if everyone involved is satisfied can a sustainable collaboration emerge. Are you interested in collaborating? Find out more about us >>>

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Are you looking for unskilled workers from the Czech Republic?

Request a non-binding offer!

Make an inquiry

Production helpers from Eastern Europe

Production helpers from the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and workers from Ukraine are in the food industry and very popular in the automotive industry , as there is a lot of production in this area in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.

Support staff from the Czech Republic can be a valuable addition to your company and help you bridge bottlenecks. We are at your side with our know-how and experience and will work together to find the right employees for your requirements. Trust in our expertise in personnel placement – ​​we look forward to hearing from you!

Wir von Zeitarbeit International sind auf Arbeitnehmerüberlassung aus Tschechien und Osteuropa spezialisiert. Unsere Personalexperten suchen nach geeigneten Kandidaten in Tschechien und Osteuropa und stellen sie dann Ihnen  zur Verfügung.
Die Tschechischen Leiharbeiter werden dabei meist für einen bestimmten Zeitraum eingestellt – je nach Bedarf Ihres Unternehmens. Während dieser Zeit arbeiten sie direkt im Betrieb mit und sind vollständig ins Team integriert.
Für die Unternehmen hat dies den Vorteil, dass sie schnell auf Engpässe reagieren können und flexibel bleiben. Gleichzeitig müssen sie sich nicht um alle administrativen Aufgaben kümmern, da diese uns als Personaldienstleister übernommen werden.
Auch für die tschechischen Mitarbeiter selbst kann eine Arbeitnehmerüberlassung interessant sein: Sie erhalten dadurch oft bessere Arbeitsbedingungen als bei einer direkten Anstellung beim Unternehmen vor Ort – beispielsweise höhere Löhne oder zusätzliche Benefits wie Urlaubs- oder Weihnachtsgeld.

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